Like most first time parents, I'm a bit paranoid. There are so many scary "your baby is in danger" articles that sometimes it's difficult to trust that my baby is ok. It was especially difficult when my baby was brand new and I had to sleep - what if he had trouble during the night?This lets me actually sleep, and know that if he has trouble breathing, I will know about it. For me, the price is totally, totally worth it.Some reviewers have commented on false alarms - I think one said that it led to the baby screaming, the parent hysterically crying, and the snuza being turned off after a long struggle with the baby's clothes. I have had multiple false alarms, but they do not happen frequently. (I still go running to the baby when I hear it, but don't have a panic attack about it.)Sometimes the alarm sounds because the snuza has slipped out of position (note: this is OUR fault - we rarely double the top edge of his diaper, per the instructions). Sometimes it sounds during middle of the night feedings (I think my hungry baby holds his breath when he's being greedy.) When it happens, I never have to struggle to get to the snuza under his clothes - the design is so simple that you can easily turn it off through most onesies or pajamas. Also, the false alarms reassure me, rather than stress me out. I would much rather the snuza alarm go off too often, than not go off when it really matters.Sometimes we can't figure out why the alarm went off. The snuza is attached and the baby was breathing when we got there. Maybe the baby hadn't been breathing before - and that's a scary thought.Basically, the snuza may never save my child's life, but it definitely helps me sleep at night. The cost and the occasional false alarms are well worth it to me.